Senior Capstone in Regenerative Bioscience

RBIO 4950

Graduate students S’Dravious DeVeaux and Charles White watch as William Kisaalita loads samples in his Riverbend South laboratory

Course Description

In this course, students will learn about current regenerative bioscience therapies and diagnostics (e.g., cell therapies, biomaterials/tissue engineering, gene therapies, cell engineering, etc.) through scientific paper discussions, lab tours, field trips, and hands-on activities. Students will learn about the process of bringing a prospective therapy from development at the pre-clinical stages to testing at the clinical stages. Students will write a comprehensive literature review on a topic of their choice that culminates in the identification and proposal of a novel regenerative medicine strategy that can be used to treat or evaluate a human/animal disease or injury. Students will also construct a poster that outlines their novel regenerative medicine strategy and present their poster at the annual RBC/ADS Symposium at the end of the semester.


Holly Kinder PhD


Every Spring; MWF



ADSC 4420